Live Auction

@foreach ($liveAuction->take(4) as $item) {{-- @dd($item) --}} {{-- Brekadown date difference into Days,Hours and Minutes --}} @php // Assuming you have two dates $date1 = \Carbon\Carbon::parse(\Carbon\Carbon::now()); $date2 = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($item->end_date . $item->end_time); $difference = $date2->diffInSeconds($date1); // To get how many days are left from the time difference in seconds $days = floor($difference / 86400); // To get how many hours are left after days have been substracted $hours = floor(($difference % 86400) / 3600); //To calculate how many minutes are left $minutes = floor(($difference % 3600) / 60); @endphp
Days Hours Minutes
{{ $days }} {{ $hours }} {{ $minutes }}

{{ $item->property['title'] }}
{{ $item->property['area'] }}
Starting Bid: {{ $item->denomination }} {{ number_format($item->starting_price) }}

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